Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Weiner Comps. 3.

Two members of the World of Sports today-----
Tiger Woods and Michael Vick.

1) Seriousness of the scandal--
With Vick, I guess it's a matter of how you feel about dogs, and dogs biting each other until one of them is dead.
With Tiger, it's how you feel about serial adultery.
There was a serial nature to both of these scandals, as there is with Weiner.
With Weiner, it's about how you feel about sending out pictures of your privates.
I am a dog lover, and am rather indifferent to adultery in principle.
So I give Vick a D, and Tiger an A.

2) Degree of embarrassment they caused to themselves and others--
With Vick, there was probably a macho element that appealead to his base.
Not much embarrassment there.
With Tiger, a mixture of embarrassment about how stupid he was to get caught so easily and how much it will end up costing,
and a certain swagger about being someone none of us ever pictured ever having sex or even thinking about it.
Vick gets a D. Tiger gets an A.

Tiger could end up being a finalist.
Far closer to Weiner than I had originally imagined.

3) Whether or not an actual crime was committed--
Vick went to the slammer for what was in fact his crime.
Tiger did not commit a crime.
It's starting to look like Vick doesn't even belong in this discussion.
And Tiger is looking better and better.
Vick, D. Tiger, A.

4) Whether or not the scandal caused him to resign from his job--
They both took "time off" from their careers.
Vick in the slammer, Tiger in seclusion.
And Weiner resigned.
A for both Vick and Tiger.

5) Nature of the creepiness of the sexual indiscretion--
No sexual indiscetion for vick with the dogs (as far as we know), so it's not an issue.
With Tiger, it's not so much creepiness as silliness,
As I stated previously, what Weiner has admitted to seems pretty perverse, and he's practically a newlywed.
D for both.

6) The extent to which lying was involved:
Weiner was the only one carrying on about his innocence.
D for both.

7) The likelihood of his recovering from the effects of the scandal:
Vick's already back in the NFL. Away from dogs.
Tiger still seems to be struggling on the golf course.
Too early to tell.

Overall Grade: D+ for Vick. A- for Tiger.

Tiger has a genuine shot at this.


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