Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Best Of Intentions.

As you might be aware, there has been a clamoring from the Comments section to have me post my Top Five favorite sitcoms of all time.
It has been echoed by e-mails that I have received.
I plan to go this clamoring at least three times better.
I want to post my top ten favorite sitcoms of all time, with a slew of honorable mentions leading up to them
These honorable mentions will help provide a framework for the actual selections, to inform you about what elements help comprise the actual list.
But I'm not quite prepared to begin this undertaking today.
I still have to sort things out about it.
But it will be addressed in short order.
I will begin next week.
It will take the form of my series "The Best Movie Of All Time".

For those of you who are interested, I will be interviewed by Brian Zemrak for his Podcast on Thursday, September 8th for airing the following Sunday.
For more info, go to his website,

Also, if you happen to be in the Chicago area on the weekend of October 1st and 2nd, I will be appearing at the Hollywood Collectors Show.
I will be selling my book there, and will be surrounded by the "Laverne & Shirley" contingent, including Cindy Williams, Penny Marshall, Henry Winkler, Eddie Mekka and Leslie Easterbrook.
For more info, here is the website:

I hope to see many book-hungry Chicagoans.
Or Chicagoans in general.


My book, "Mark Rothman's Essays", ones that were culled from the blog and are no longer there, along with a surprise bonus, is available for purchase.
Please e-mail me at for more info.


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