Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trouble At The NBA All-Star Game.

While I was busy focusing on the Oscars, I let this story slide under the rug.
I'm going back to retrieve it now.
The NBA All-Star Game aired on TNT.
I set the TiVo for it and made a bet on it.
Later on that night, I started watching the game.
Only it wasn't the NBA All-Star Game.
It was the NBA "D" All Star Game.
The minor league version, one that you can't bet on, one where you knew none of the players.
In all fairness, on the TiVo, it was clearly marked that way.
And I saw that.
For a few minutes.
Then I was bored to death, and turned it off
But I couldn't for the life of me, find the actual NBA All-Star Game.
I was beginning to feel pretty foolish.
And I couldn't find it.
I had missed the actual NBA All-Star Game.
I rechecked the Tivo.
Potential salvation was there.
TNT was going to re-run the actual NBA All-Star Game at 2 in the morning.
Not the "D" game.
The actual game.
So I set the Tivo, intending to watch it in the morning.
That next morning, I checked the Tivo, and sure enough, there was the actual NBA All-Star Game.
No harm, no foul.
So I thought.
About five minutes into their broadcast, there is a streamer at the bottom of the screen, showing the final score of the game.
Now, who on earth did they think would be watching a broadcast of a game that they knew the outcome of?
Certainly not me.
Who on earth was doing the non-thinking?
And of course, I lost my bet.
TNT, who broadcasts the NBA extensively, should certainly know better than this.
Pay somebody to pay attention.


My books, "Show Runner" and it's sequel, "Show Runner Two", can be found at the Amazon Kindle Store.
Along with the newer ones, "The Man Is Dead", and "Report Cards".
They are all compilations of blog entries that have since been removed from the blog.
So this is the only way you can find them.
You can search by typing in my name, Cindy Williams, Laverne and Shirley, The Odd Couple, or Happy Days.
Check them out.
You don't need a Kindle machine to download them.
Just get the free app from Kindle, and they can be downloaded to an IPhone, IPad, or Blackberry.
The paperbacks, "Mark Rothman's Essays" and my new novel, "I'm Not Garbo" are not e-books.
But they are available for people without Kindle.
I have many readings and signings lined up for those, and the thing about Kindle is you can't sign one.
If you'd like one of the paperbacks, personally autographed, contact me at

And now, we've got my reading of my "Laverne and Shirley Movie" screenplay on YouTube.


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