Saturday, February 8, 2020

Best Film.


Ford v Ferrari

Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping and James Mangold, Producers 
(Don't care for the genre.)

The Irishman

Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Producers 
(Great stuff.  But so-o-o-o long.)

Jojo Rabbit

Carthew Neal and Taika Waititi, Producers
(Great, great, and great.) 


Todd Phillips, Bradley Cooper and Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Producers
(Pretty special, but a little over-the-top in terms of gore.)  

Little Women

Amy Pascal, Producer 
(Enjoyed it, but didn't find it compelling.)

Marriage Story

Noah Baumbach and David Heyman, Producers.
(Tremendously affecting.) 


Sam Mendes, Pippa Harris, Jayne-Ann Tenggren and Callum McDougall, Producers
(Didn't see it.) 

Once upon a Hollywood

David Heyman, Shannon McIntosh and Quentin Tarantino, Producers
(Lots of fun.  Great little touches.) 


Kwak Sin Ae and Bong Joon Ho, Producers.
Lost me after the first 15 minutes.  I'm sure it was my bad.)

My Pick---"Jo Jo Rabbit". 

Enjoy the Oscars.  If I have anything to say about the awards afterwards, I will.

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