Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Weiner Comps. 7.

The two finalists come from the world of sports.
And neither of them are Tiger Woods.
Tiger Woods finishes third, in my estimation.

Without further ado, the two finalists are Bret Favre and Marv Albert, in how they compare to Anthony Weiner.
As they've both been anointed the semi-finalists, most of the grading here is how the two relate to each other.
How they relate to Weiner is secondary.

And it's neck and neck to the finish line.

1) Seriousness of the scandal--

Favre, although doing almost precisely what Weiner did, seems to have gotten you should pardon the expression a "pass" from the media.
His story has been relatively low profile.
However serious Marv's transgressions were, the media jumped all over him.
Favre, B+. Marv, A.

2) Degree of embarrassment they caused to themselves and others--

Favre--Not a great deal.

Marv, a humongous amount.
Favre, C. Marv, A.

3) Whether or not an actual crime was committed--


Marv--pled guilty to a misdemeanor.

Favre, A. Marv, C-.

4) Whether or not the scandal caused him to resign from his job--

Favre--no. He's still playing.

Marv--Originally, yes, but he's since made a full comeback.

Favre, D. Marv, B+.

5) Nature of the creepiness of the sexual indiscretion--
Favre--Precisely the same as Weiner's. It just didn't seem as creepy.

Marv--Although in a different category than Weiner's, at least as creepy, with the biting of the woman's back, and the wearing of women's clothes. Particularly with that bad toupee.
That's an image that sticks in my mind overwhelmingly for creepiness.

Favre, A+. Marv, A+.

This is the kind of thing that makes them both finalists.

6) The extent to which lying was involved:

Favre. It's not what I recall significantly.
Marv--did some pretty good lying until the truth came out.

Favre, C-. Marv, B+

7) The likelihood of his recovering from the effects of the scandal:
They both have totally recovered.

That these are the closest comps bode well for Weiner's future by my scientific calculations..

My very subjective Overall Grades comparing them to Weiner:

Marv, A+. Favre, A.

Marv wins. A close call, but I'm giving it to Marv.

Yes!!!!! And it counts!!!!!

It's been a long journey, but now it's over..


For those of you in the Tri-State Area, I'm doing a reading and signing of my book, "Mark Rothman's Essays" at the Westport Connecticut Library on
Monday, August 1st, at 7:30pm.
Also,on Tuesday, August 2nd, at the Huntington Book Revue,
Huntington Long Island, at 7pm.
I look forward to seeing anyone who wants to see me.


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